Designed for: Smart store | Designed by: Lilla Jécsák​ | Date: 29.10.2020

Key Partners

Our key partners are Samsung, Apple and Xiaomi.

Key Activities

We are dealing with phone reparations and selling phones, accessories. Helping older generation with different courses, how to use mobile and smart devices. We have a home service, we set home devices and making smarthomes in different kind of pack.

Key Resources

Electricity, reliable supplier and manufacturer.

Value Proposition

In different values, mobile devices accessories and tvs.

Customer Relationships

For all ages, we help for the older generation and the younger too. We make a good relationship with our costumers and different suppliers.


Personal, virtual, home service online platforms and billboards.

Customer Segments

Younger and older generation, all of those generations whom interested.

Cost Structure

Get different assortment and more goods, to satisfies every need.

Revenue Streams

Goods, services in different values, different valued phones, services to help our customers.

